Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Virtual Internships & Time

I have not gotten into a stride; every instructor has their format on how they present their class, so it usually takes me a couple weeks to understand what they want from their students. I have been ill as well and I am finally recovering. For my own internship I would like to put 2.25 per day x 5 days a week, starting next week, I hope. 
In the interim I have three assignments due on the 15th of September. I also enjoyed Lauren Stewart’s blog/article and I liked her tips in regards to “asking for help and being flexible.” 

I need to complete the editing of my annotated bibliography by the 15th of September, so I can move onto the literature review. I admit I am feeling a bit overwhelmed, but it seems that is when I perform my best. 

We read three articles on virtual internships below are my tips that I posted on discussion board. 

My three tips that work for me go through each week’s assignment and figure out what is due for that week and write it on post-it note and I find it is always a relief to tear or crumple up the post-it note when the assignment is completed.

Second tip; eat a decent breakfast so you can concentrate on what you are doing.

Third tip, set timelines for yourself and try to meet them, I personally have a success rate of 80/20, but no matter what I do life gets in the way, and that’s okay, breathe and keep pushing through.

1 comment:

  1. Good attitude, Faylene. I often schedule too much for myself and then wonder how I will get everything done. But instead of post its (which is a great idea), I rely on my Google calendar with reminders a few days ahead of major deadlines and then the deadlines themselves. Sorry you weren't feeling well, but I am glad you are on the mend.
